Wednesday, June 16, 2021


How can I overcome the inertia of English spoken practice?

Make yourself your partner. It means you'll talk with yourself first. E.g., you'll act both questioner and replier. After doing English spoken practice for a few days, you'll feel easier than before.

To remove your shyness, you better choose one among your close friends to urge helped by exchanging your initial sentences.

We should remember that mistakes a part of any learning. An error may be a mistake until we correct it. Now the question is how you'll learn without error. So, regardless of what percentage of mistakes you create specialize in speaking English.

For speaking any language, words, grammar rules, all tenses, verb forms are mandatory things. But the way of English spoken practice, these terms is different within the said module. Let’s know why these are different for spoken English. To know the very fact, let’s return to the time we started speaking our maternal language. We didn’t learn any words, grammar rules, tense of our maternal language deliberately. So, the way of learning any language is implicit. Regardless of what the language is, we'd like to create the language skill in the same way. For English spoken practice, we don’t have to learn it deliberately. Just start uttering English sentences.




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